
Why VPNs Fail: Common Complaints and Solutions with Remote.It

February 3, 2024

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) have been essential for businesses for years, allowing remote employees to access corporate resources securely. While VPNs are helpful, many IT teams have encountered significant challenges with VPNs in scalability, access control, and simplified management. This article will explore these common VPN failures and how Remote.It addresses these issues.

Scalability: The Challenge of Growing Networks

One of the most common issues businesses face with VPNs is scalability. As organizations grow and their network expands, the number of users and devices requiring access to the network increases. As the number of connections grows, the VPN can become overloaded, causing slow network performance or downtime.

Remote.It addresses this issue by providing a scalable solution that supports unlimited devices, making it easy to scale the network as required. Remote.It uses a peer-to-peer architecture that allows devices to communicate with each other directly without the need for routing data through a central server, reducing network latency and improving scalability.

Access Control: Over Provisioned Permissions

Another common issue with VPNs is access control. Traditional VPNs grant access to specific subnet addresses which contain the application, file share, database, or resource. Users with legitimate access to a database could also access anything else on the subnet. Subnet access can be problematic for businesses since access control cannot meet the zero trust philosophy of least privileged access. The security risk is for inside threats and malware that can laterally move from one device or application to another within the subnet.

Remote.It addresses this issue by providing granular access control that enables administrators to grant access to specific devices and services on the network. With Remote.It, administrators can control who has access to what resources and can easily revoke access when required. Additionally, Remote.It enables businesses to securely access resources from anywhere without worrying about specific network limitations.

Simplified Management: The Challenge of Maintaining VPN Configurations

Another issue that IT teams often encounter with VPNs is the management of VPN connections. VPNs require extensive management, which can be time-consuming and prone to human error. Managing just IP address ranges and subnet collisions can consume an IT team.

Remote.It simplifies management by automating the process of establishing secure connections between devices. Remote.It provides a centralized platform that manages access control lists (ACLs), and IP allow lists automatically, eliminating the need for manual updates. Additionally, Remote.It automatically reconfigures network changes, such as users or devices moving locations, making it easier to manage.


VPNs have been a vital tool for businesses for many years, but they have limitations in scalability, flexibility, and simplified management. Remote.It is a peer-to-peer networking platform that solves these common VPN issues by providing a scalable, access control, and simplified management solution. With Remote.It, businesses can easily manage access control, streamline management tasks, and scale their networks.

Remote.It is network connectivity as a service.

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